Budget Committee Minutes 09.20.2023

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Budget Advisory Committee
Draft Minutes
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Town Hall, Francestown, NH
Attendees: Tom Anderson, Stewart Brock, Brad Bull, Marsha Dixon, Cindy St. Jean.
Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM. Brad Bull nominated Stewart Brock for Chair, seconded by Marsha Dixon. Motion carried.
Stewart Brock nominated Marsha Dixon for Vice Chair, seconded by Brad Bull. Motion carried.
Marsha Dixon nominated Cindy St. Jean for Secretary, seconded by Stewart Brock. Motion carried.
Attendees reviewed what occurred at the Select Board meeting of September 11, which Stewart was unable to attend. Marsha addressed the potential for an increased need for tree cutting in the foreseeable future, due to the age of trees, storms, and the damage from the ash borer beetle on ash trees. The expense is currently under the Highway Department. She was concerned that the true expense of tree removal could outstrip the budgeted funds and negatively impact the overall Highway Department budget. After discussion, it was agreed upon to ask Town Administrator Jamie Pike if the expense can go in the general town budget. Brad asked if it would be a non-lapsing appropriation.
Attendees acknowledge receiving the 2024 Budget Directive email distributed by Jamie Pike to department heads, outlining guidelines for submitting departmental budgets. Departments were asked to keep discretionary spending under a 4% cap, and to identify three areas as priorities for possible additional funding. All committee members have online access via GoogleSheets to the budget submission spreadsheets.
Stewart addressed the guiding philosophy of the committee’s budgeting work. It was agreed that the committee’s work shall be guided by keeping the town’s services as they are. It is acknowledged that costs do go up, and Francestown has had a flat budget for a while.
Brad observed that at the latest Select Board meeting which reviewed the budget, the hazmat costs incurred from the transfer station contamination have not been included in the budget. He attended a previous Select Board meeting where the audited financial statement presentation was given, and it is his understanding that Francestown’s unassigned fund balance is currently 21% of regular general fund operating expenditures. The town’s fund policy is to maintain between 8-17%. He questioned whether the town was committed to the guidelines or not, and if so, how should a possible overage be addressed. There was discussion about what the current audited percentage might involve, what details may or may not yet be included year to date. It was decided that Stewart would ask Jamie Pike to clarify the unassigned fund balance.
Committee members can attend the upcoming CIP workshops, as they are informative, but would do so as guests. Stewart will ask Jamie Pike to send the CIP draft to the committee members.
The committee reviewed upcoming scheduled meetings. Regarding the first budget presentation, Stewart will ask Jamie if either October 26 or Nov. 2 at 5:30 PM would work (preference is for Oct. 26). Reviewing the proposed Budget/CIP Schedule, additional meetings were confirmed and include:
  • November 22: Jamie Pike presenting the budget to the committee
  • December 6 & 7: Department budget meetings
  • December 13: Budget review/discussion meeting: This BAC meeting is scheduled if Brad, Tom, and Cindy would find it useful. Stewart and Marsha will not be available that week.
  • December 20: Budget work session
Further meetings will be confirmed in the future.
Tom Anderson moved to adjourn; Stewart seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 6:18 PM.
Draft minutes respectfully submitted by Cindy St. Jean, Secretary.