Broadband Committee Minutes 09.20.2023

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Town of Francestown

Broadband Committee

Minutes of Meeting

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Present: Alfred Eisenberg, Sue Jonas, Ari Levine, Bob Bitterli, Laura Abrahamsen

Sue Jonas and I had a quick zoom meeting with Jeff McGyver and Brian Lim from CCI.  Good news is that they want to apply with us for this BMGI round.  They are working outsome details as there is one section of town, Old County Road North area, where there are very few unserved (maybe) and they are not sure that area will work with the grant, so they are trying to figure out if they can either fund it themselves or maybe there will be a way to make it work with the grant.  I will drive out there to verify number of unserved.  I currently have 4 residences unserved, they only had 1 or 2.  They will know next Thursday if it works or not.  They mentioned they will bury up to 500 ft of fiber or string on existing poles for as far as they need to at no charge.

Good news is that we now have 3 providers interested in us.

Work in progress:

We are working on a list of addresses in unserved areas that are not in the FCC Fabric database.  We need to have a list ASAP, but set a tentative deadline for Wednesday of next week.

I Need to verify number of unserved residences by doing driveby on Old County rd north campbell hill and todd rd

We need to ask BEA if we can apply with multiple providers or should we only apply with one?  I will call Matt Conserva.

Respectfully submitted,

Alfred Eisenberg