Invasive Snail Found in Pleasant Pond

Chinese mystery snail
Notice: Invasive Snail Found in Pleasant Pond

Chinese mystery snails have been discovered in Pleasant Pond. These large freshwater
snails are a non-native species considered invasive in New Hampshire. While not yet a serious
problem in New Hampshire, they have caused problems in water bodies in other states by
clogging water intake pipes, out-competing native freshwater mussel and snail populations, and
covering the bottom of water bodies with their shells. The adult snails may be as large as an egg,
the shell is typically a light to dark olive-green, smooth and strong, and may have up to seven
whorls. They reproduce rapidly, giving birth to live young. These snails are often washed
onshore when they die, and have a very unpleasant odor.
More information on these snails is available from the NH Lakes at
If you find these snails in Pleasant Pond please remove them and throw them in the trash.
If you discover them in a different water body, please remove them and report the find to NH
Lakes at info@nhlakes.or or (603) 226-0299.

Image courtesy of Peterwchen - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,