Con Com Minutes 09.09.2019

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 9, 2019
Meeting called to order 7:00 pm
Members present:  Betsy, Jim, Robin, Kelly, Scot
Minutes:  No action taken
Notices and Announcements
New Business:
-Todd Road driveway over steep slopes; CC to review and comment per PB rules; reviewed plan, no immediate issues noted; will attend site inspection with PB. 
-Scoby Pond Report-brief discussion of impacts; need for on-site research, study to identify specific phosphorus sources; potential project for St. Anselms?  Robin to get updated brochures from DES.
-DBCA-trail work needed; focus on non-snowmobile trails.
Old Business:
-Fisher Hill Town Forest-driveway access approved by NH DOT with standard conditions; motion by Heath, second by St. Jean, for Betsy to retain Steve Perron for survey work and to spend related monies from the Conservation Fund, unanimous in favor.
-Emerald Ash Borer letter to go out this week, it has been identified on numerous properties.
-Shattuck Pond Town Forest issues-Pam walked primary trails two weeks ago and everything was good; Mike Tartalis (abutter) mentioned to Betsy people had been behind his property either firing guns or fireworks.  To be inspected again soon.
Motion to adjourn by Pam, Jim second, unanimous in favor 8:25 pm.
Submitted by Scot Heath, Secretary