250th Committee Minutes

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Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Town of Francestown
250th Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Members Present:  Chair Jamie A Pike, Gerri Bernstein (via Zoom), Marsha Dixon, Beverly Abbott, Priscilla Martin, Kevin Pobst, Elly Miles, Erin Trottier, Jan Hicks
Chairman Pike called the meeting to order at 4:00pm.
Ms. Trottier was present to discuss fundraising.  Ms. Trottier felt it was best that she sends out general sponsor requests and see what we get back.  A flyer for the event will be needed for the mailing.  Ms. Pyle to design.  Ms. Trottier suggested we offer to display company logos on future programs and possibly signs at the event.  Mr. Pike to provide Ms. Trottier a list of vendors the town uses.
Ms. Bernstein discussed the beer garden and presented a proposal for a hired bartender in the amount of $615.  Mr. Pike inquired with the State about distributing alcohol for free and was told that it was illegal to provide free alcohol under a liquor license.  Ms. Berstein will check with the bartender service if they are allowed to distribute for free as they have a catering license.  If the beverages can be distributed for free, donations of beer and wine can be sought through independent dealers.  If we have to purchase beverages the cost would be approximately $2000.
Ms. Dixon shared that she has two volunteers to plan the children’s activities and games.  Erica and Megan Davis.  Ms. Dixon has also reached out the School to get the PTO involved.  It was suggested she call Emily Hardwick or Jen Ravalico.  Also need to reach out to the home-schoolers.  It was suggested to contact Lauren Zelco and the children’s librarian.  Bev would like to have a booth for the sale of water, etc. during the afternoon activities.
Ms. Pyle reported that the band, 60’s Invasion, is booked, their fee is $1,100, which is $400 off their usual price.  Ms. Pyle also talked about other fundraising items to sell.  The committee decided on t-shirts and hats and totes.  These items sold well for the store fundraiser.
Ms. Martin and Ms. Abbott provided an update regarding the scavenger hunt, now named the History Hunt.  It was promoted to engage in online signups.  A full event description will be published in the Heritage Museum Newsletter. “Study and keen observation will reveal all.”
Mr. Pobst reported that we will be able to acquire 10 tents from the school district at no charge.  Mr. Pobst will put together a work team to erect the tents.
Ms. Abbott stated that all volunteers for preparation of the dinner sides and desserts have been assigned.  There will be two sittings, at 5pm and 6pm.  The sides will be baked beans, salads, mac & cheese, rolls and fruit pies.  We will need more volunteers to act as servers and runners.
Ms. Miles stated that the sun catchers require 100 minimum order with re-orders of 40.  Furnace firings are at the end of each month.  The committee chose blue as the preferred color and to sell them for $10 each.  Ms. Miles will underwrite the initial order.
The procession will include a fife and drum duo for $275.  A surry with 1 horse, driver and helper from Silver Ranch for $1,200.  The Molly Stark canon is $250.
It was suggested to ask Paul Knight and Kerry Jordan if they would play the roles of Governor Wentworth and Lady Frances Deering.
Mr. Pike will prepare an initial budget to see what additional funding is needed.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie A Pike