Police Log 11.24.2021 through 12.13.2021

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Meeting date: 
Monday, December 13, 2021
  1. On 11/25 at 0647 hours received a complaint of a suspicious vehicle in the area of East road. It was determined to be an owned and occupied by a local resident.
  2. On 11/25 at 2021 hours received residential alarm activation in the area of Scoby road. Upon arrival the residence was found to be secure.
  3. On 11/26/at 1103 hours responded to the area of East road for a civil stand-by.
  4. On 11/28/ at 0900 hours responded to the area of Main Street for a parking complaint. Follow-up was completed on this matter.
  5. On 11/29 at 1250 hours received a report of a medical emergency in the area of Wilson Hill road. Emergency services responded and assisted the victim.
  6. On 11/30 at 1056 hours responded to Bennington for mutual aid to Francestown road to the Rehabilitation Center for disturbance. Upon arrival, assisted Bennington Police Department with the subject who was later transported by ambulance for an evaluation. Cleared.
  7. On 12/1 at 2027 hours received a report of a criminal threatening complaint from a resident in the Pleasant Pond road area. The criminal threatening complaint was initially investigated and was related to “face-book” postings. It was determined that no actual threat occurred, complaint was unfounded. Cleared.
  8. On 12/1 at 2220 hours received a complaint of illegal dumping in the area of Old County road (North). Upon arrival it was determined that two 55 gallon drums were thrown of the side of the road. Investigation still proceeding. Cleared.
  9. On 12/1 at 2117 hours received a report of a disabled motor vehicle on Dodge Hill road. Upon arrival found the operator with his vehicle who got stuck. A towing company was called and the vehicle removed. Cleared.
  10. On 12/2/at 0715 hours received a report of a motor vehicle disabled in the area of Greenfield road and was partially in the travel lane. Upon arrival met with the operator who said that the vehicle was broken down and that he called AAA at 0530 and it was unknown when their wrecker would arrive. A local towing company was called and the vehicle was removed. Cleared.
  11. On 12/3 at 1305 hours received a complaint of a family disturbance in the area of Dennison Pond road involving a juvenile. Upon arrival all involved individuals were counseled on the matter. Cleared. Further follow-up on 12/3 indicated things were going well.
  12. On 12/4 at 1303 hours responded to the area of Bennington road for a medical emergency for a 74 year old male who fell from a wheelchair. Upon arrival assisted in gaining entrance to the residence and medical staff assisted the patient. Cleared.
  13. On 12/5 at 1026 hours received a report of a child custody dispute in the area of Poor Farm road, from the complainant who resides in New Boston. Responded and was able to meet separately with both parents relative to the dispute. Both were counseled on the matter and advised that civil court proceeding needed to take place. Cleared.
  14. On 12/6 at 0948 hours responded to residential alarm activation in the area of South New Boston road. Upon arrival the residence was found to be secure. The owner was contacted by a phone and advised that the residence was secure. Cleared.
  15.  On 12/6 at 1419 hours responded to residential alarm activation in the area of Poor Farm road. Upon arrival the residence was found to be secure. Cleared.
  16. On 12/7 at 1745 hours received a report of a motor vehicle collision with no injuries in the area of the New Boston road near the New Boston town line. This involved one motor vehicle and deer that had been struck. State Police advised.
  17. On 12/7 at 1300 hours received a complaint from a resident who lives in the area of Perley road of a motor vehicle complaint that occurred on Oak Hill road at approximately 1230. The complaint was that another vehicle with an unknown operator was traveling in the opposite direction and veered into his lane. No contact was made between the vehicles. The complainant requested that no further investigation be conducted by wanted it on file.
  18. On 12/9 at 0545 hours received a complaint of a vehicle parked in the Main street area hindering snow removal operations by the Francestown Highway department. Responded to 69 Main Street where the vehicle was located. Confirmed it had hindered snow removal operation. The owner was provided a copy of the Town Ordinance that prohibits parking on streets and hindering snow removal operations. Warning issued. Cleared.
  19. On 12/10 at 1904 hours a follow up investigation on a trespassing complaint was conducted in the area of Main Street that had been received on 12/8. Upon further investigation it was determined it that in fact an illegal trespass had taken place. The person responsible was contacted, advised of the complaint and warned not to go on posted property in the future. Cleared.
  1. On 12/12 at 1026 hours received a complaint of a theft of a motor vehicle in the area of Mount Crotched Drive. N.H. State Police advised.
  2. On 12/12 at 1224 hours received a report of a medical emergency in the area of Pleasant Pond road. Greenfield, Bennington and State Police responded to the scene along with medical personnel to assist the patient.
  3. On 12/12 at 1446 hours received a theft complaint that occurred in the area of Todd road. The complainant indicated that he had two packages delivered to his residence and they were stolen. Further investigation into this matter was conducted and on 12/13 two suspects, one male and one female were indentified. The stolen merchandise was recovered and criminal charges are pending. Cleared.
  4. On 12/13 at 1120 hours received a report of a stray canine in the area of South New Boston road. Upon further investigation the owner of the canine was identified and the canine was returned the owner of Russell station road. Cleared
  5. On 12/13 at 1525 hours received a report of a medical emergency in the area of New Boston road for a female needing medical assistance. Upon arrival emergency services the patient was assisted and further transported to a local hospital.
Respectfully submitted,
Chief Fred Douglas