Police Logs 02.21.2023 thru 03.06.2023

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Meeting date: 
Monday, March 6, 2023
Activity Logs
02/21/2023 – 03/06/2023
  1. On 2/21 at 1949 hours received a report of a single vehicle motor vehicle collision on Bennington road. State police advised.
  2. On 2/23 at 2136 hours received a report of a vehicle off the roadway in the area of New Boston and Bible Hill road. State police advised.
  3. On 2/24 at 2214 hours received a report of a motor vehicle collision on New Boston road involving two motor vehicles. State police advised and Greenfield police responded under mutual aid request.
  4. On 2/25 at 1244 hours received an alarm activation in the area of Wilson Hill road. Upon arrival, the residence was found to be secure and homeowner was advised. Cleared.
  5. On 2/25 at 1755 hours under a mutual aid request received a report of a motor vehicle collision involving one vehicle in the area of Route 136 and Pineridge road in Greenfield. Upon arrival no injuries had occurred. The vehicle, a 2009 Ford Mustang had slid off the roadway and sustained damage to the right front-end area. Mike’s towing was called to remove the vehicle. Cleared.
  6. On 2/25 at 1917 hours received a report of a parking problem in the area of Potash road. Upon arrival contacted the owner and the vehicle was removed. Cleared.
  7. On 2/26 at 1538 hours received a complaint involving a criminal trespass issue in the area of East road. Upon further investigation into the complaint, the person responsible for trespassing onto posted property was identified. At the request of the complainant, the person identified was warned not to return to the property again or would be charged with criminal trespassing under New Hampshire RSA 635:2. Cleared.
  8. On 2/28 at 1858 hours received a report of a single vehicle motor vehicle off the roadway in the area New Boston and Dennison Pond road. State police advised.
  9. On 3/1 at 0819 hours received a report of a single motor vehicle collision in the area of # 710 Route 136. State police advised.
  10. On 3/2 at 0909 hours responded to the area of 2nd New Hampshire Turnpike (N) for         paperwork service. Served the required paperwork and cleared.
  11. On 3/2 at 1735 hours received a report of a domestic disturbance where an assault was occurring in the area of Pleasant Pond road. Under mutual aid, Greenfield Police responded to the scene and subsequently initiated an arrest of one subject. Cleared.
  12. On 3/3 at 1425 hours received a report of a suspicious vehicle in the area of Bible Hill road. Upon arrival in the area the person operating the vehicle was confronted. Further investigation indicated that he was working for T-Mobil. This information was documented. Cleared.
  13. On 3/4 at 0850 hours received a report of a disabled motor vehicle in the area of New Boston road at the town line. Upon arrival the operator was located and was assisted. Mike’s Towing requested and the vehicle was removed. Cleared.
  14. 0n 3/4 at 1429 hours received a report of a vehicle off the roadway in the area of Bennington road. Upon arrival stood by while the vehicle was removed by Mike’s Towing.
  15. On 3/4 at 1454 hours received a second report of a vehicle off the roadway in the area of Bennington road towards the Bennington town line. Upon checking the roadway entire length of Bennington road, the vehicle was gone on arrival. Cleared.
Chief Fred Douglas
Francestown Police Department