It's a New Year at the Rec Commission

It’s a New Year at the Rec Commission
2024 is off and running. The Rec Commission is hoping to do its part in making 2024 an enjoyable and healthy place for all Francestown residents. The year has started with a bang.
As most of you know, The Francestown Rec Commission Board is an active board. This means that we not only provide supervision, but we physically put on the events and see them through
completion. We cannot do that without all the volunteers that have joined us in the past and hopefully will continue to join us in the future.
With the projects and programs ahead of us for 2024, we are pleased to announce that Ellien Laramee Byers joined the board in January. Ellien brings to the board a vast amount of experience in community service, a volunteer with SkillsUSA, Girl and Cub Scout leader and a curator of networking and social events for over 300 artists. She will be a valued member of FRC.
Francestown’s Yoga program led by yoga instructor Andrea Grant got off to a great start. With 20 people attending in the first week and building every week.
Youth Basketball kicked off with 16 children between the ages of 6 and 11. While initially there were some challenges (baskets too high for most of the kids, not every 6-year-old understood what a “Hot Zone Full-Court Rolling Press” was) We have now had several practices and are almost ready for games (well, kind of).
Our speaker’s series kicked off with a strong attendance and a very informative and useful program on “Movement & Exercise a unique perspective” delivered by Lisa Federico. We thank her for providing us with a successful launch to our Speaker Series. We look forward to seeing you in the months to come, as we continue our speaker series with discussions on gardening through all seasons, NH meteorology, Fly Fishing and many other topics.
We have some exciting new programs slotted for 2024, including our first “Quadrennial Leap Year Chili Cook Off” (You guessed it, it will be on February 29th), weekly line dancing lessons (perfect for those of us with two left feet), Thursday Afternoon Games at Town Hall, Kids Night Out, monthly
community game nights (maybe trivia will make a reappearance) and of course a Science Fair.
All the new events are in addition to FRC’s legacy events, Ester Egg Hunt, Tim Samuelson Memorial Fishing Derby, 4th of July, Halloween, Farmers Market & Coffee House.
As you can see, our 2024, plate is full. In these days of doing more with less, we greatly appreciate and accept all volunteers who wish to help us ensure the success of your programs.
Please check out our upcoming schedules in “The Francestown News” as well as on the Francestown and FRC webpages. Also check us out on Facebook at: Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
Francestown Recreation Commission