Select Board Minutes 12.20.2023

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Town of Francestown
Select Board
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Select Board Members present:  Chair Scot D Heath, George Ravalico, and Charles M. Pyle, III
Budget and Advisory Committee: Stewart Brock, Brad Bull, Marsha Dixon, Cindy St. Jean
Others present:  Admin. Asst., Monica Harrington; Laura Abrahamsen, John Ludlam, Paul Lawrence, Kevin Pobst, Bob Bitterli, Kevin St. John, Jessica Pomeroy, Carl “Chuck” Hardwick, Jr., Kelly Marshall, Mike Tartalis
Mr. Heath called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
Department Budget Meetings
Library – Laura Abrahamsen, Library Director and John Ludlam, Library Trustee – 1-page handout given out by Mr. Ludlam.  The Library Trustees met last week after first budget meeting and these are the changes.  No staff merit increases, decreases in monies for programs, books, and digital subscription.  Overall, there is a 9.4% increase down from 15%.
Moderator – Paul Lawrence and Asst. Moderator, Kevin Pobst – Mr. Lawrence spoke regarding the town’s consideration for a ballot scanner.  He has been the Moderator since 1993 (minus 2 years).  The state is approving scanners and they have operated extremely well for about 20 years.  Currently, Dominion and Voting Works are the vendors undergoing preliminary testing.  The testing is extensive, interim testing is going on now, 2026 will complete the final testing, and the devices are more accurate than human counting. Financially, to purchase a scanner will be approximately $5-8K with an annual subscription fee of $1-2K.  All scanners must meet continual approval and auditing, they are not connected to the internet, tests are run pre and post voting, and write ins/overvotes/undervotes are counted by hand.  Paul stated it is almost inconceivable for a ballot scanner to have an inaccuracy. The moderators are not stating that the town has had inaccuracy in the past, when there was a close vote prior, the recount was accurate. This process will eliminate potential human error.  Considering the counting starts at 7:15 pm and finishes often after 11 pm, a scanner will provide for shorter hours for Town Clerk, her assistant, and ballot counters (less will be needed).  The choice of ballot scanner will be made by the town, and if approved at the March 2024 Town Meeting, the initial use of the ballot scanner would most likely be the state primary in September or the November federal election.    
Recreation – Bob Bitterli, Chair Recreation Commission, stated there are just a few major changes.  Presently, there isn’t a Recreation Director, but he’d like to keep those funds in and review at end of 1st quarter of 2024.  Planning volunteer base for 2024, a director may not be needed until the Fall. He proposes increased swim instructor/life guard hours to 100 per week at an hourly rate at $30 (talent pool competition fierce).  Major issue is the resurfacing of the tennis courts, bids vary from $19K-$27K, $22K seems probable estimate.  BOS recommended dropping Recreation Director salary from $8400 to $4200. Overall, the concentration of 2024 events and programs will be focused on the kids.
Transfer Station – Kevin St. John and Kelly Marshall of Waste Disposal Committee (SWC), Jessica Pomeroy and Chucky Hardwick, Transfer Station Employees (TSE) – Kevin presented budget concerns/ideas for $10K.  $1K for compactor maintenance, $1K for computer and printer, $7250 for additional payroll for 5 hrs/wk to manage updating required documents including operational procedures, master plan, and permit, and $750 to raise fence near the C&D bin.    
Transfer Station Employee concerns – They are uncomfortable with cash on site and would like a credit card reader.  They need internet access to accomplish tasks onsite and would like to look into hotspot options which may save money for internet service.  They’d like improved/increased communication with the Town Office and BOS regarding policies and management of the Transfer Station.  Mr. Hardwick doesn’t want to spend town dollars short term on quick repairs when it may be more financially sound to hold off and spend that money toward larger scale repairs/replacements of buildings.
The town should set money aside for long-term investing in the Transfer Station, that department has not had updates and long-term planning.  The TSEs gave the SWC a 2-page list of issues that was whittled down to the 4 items described in the $10K list.  BOS wants to see the long list and discuss further with the TSEs.
Public Hearing
A motion was made by Mr. Heath to accept the non- lapsing unanticipated revenue of $34,439.96 for the maintenance, construction, or reconstruction of municipally owned bridges and was seconded by Mr. Ravalico.  Heath, Aye; Ravalico, Aye; Pyle, Aye; Motion passes.
New Business
SNHPC Brownfields Assessment Program – was awarded a $500K grant in 2022 from the US EPA to identify potential sites contaminated with hazardous substances or petroleum.  BOS presented with application for the Old Ski Maintenance Building on East Road to see if that abandoned building meets the requirements for grant funding for cleanup and removal.
A motion was made by Mr. Ravalico to sign application/apply for grant funding was seconded by Mr. Heath.  Heath, Aye; Ravalico, Aye; Pyle, Aye; Motion passes
BOS signed a letter dated 12.20.2023 to the School Board and Superintendent regarding their absolute displeasure to the consolidation of ConVal.  The letter will be mailed tomorrow and future letters may be sent regarding actions the BOS plans to take to fight against the consolidation.  The BOS is urging residents to vote against it. 
Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Heath and seconded by Mr. Pyle to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 pm.  Heath, Aye; Ravalico, Aye; Pyle, Aye; Motion passes.
Respectfully submitted,                                                                         
Monica Harrington, Admin. Asst. 
APPROVED 01.29.2024